Saturday, 17 September 2011

Penternakan Lebah (Madu Lebah)

Benett’s Honey Farm di Fillmore, Carlifornia mempunyai pekerja iaitu lebih kurang 40 juta lebah untuk menghasilkan madu. Lebah-lebah  ini dapat menghasilkan 2 juta paun madu setahun dan untuk mendapatkan 1 paun madu, lebah tersebut mesti mendapatkan hasil manisan dari 2 juta kuntum bunga.

Tempat Pembiakan Lebah
Untuk mendapatkan madu, penyediaan rangka sarang lebah dilakukan. Pekerja akan mengasingkan lilin yang terhasil bersama madu daripada rangka sarang lebah.

Walaupun telah melalui proses pengasingan lilin, namun masih ada saki baki lilin yang tertinggal dan bercampur dengan madu. Madu tersebut akan dimasukkan ke dalam kontena yang besar di mana dalam beberapa hari lilin akan timbul ke atas dan madu asli akan turun ke bawah.

Proses pengasingan Madu dijalankan

Lilin tidak akan dibuang dan akan digunakan untuk proses membuat lilin, bahan kosmetik, bahan campuran membuat tisu dan sebagainya. 

Lilin yang terhasil dan akan dijual

Madu tidak akan rosak walaupun disimpan lama dan banyak digunakan di hotel-hotel mewah untuk sajian makanan harian di Amerika Syarikat.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Kepentingan Sains dan Teknologi Dalam Sektor Pertanian

Perniagaan berteraskan Pertanian

Sektor pertanian menjanjikan pendapatan yang lumayan sekiranya diusahakan secara serius. Dengan adanya teknologi yang berdaya saing, banyak peluang dan kemudahan perniagaan dapat dijalankan secara lebih berkesan yang dapat memenuhi kehendak industri. Teknologi banyak membantu dalam meningkatkan produktiviti dan hasil pertanian dalam memenuhi keperluan rakyat. 

Sebuah rancangan TV iaitu Food Tech pernah menyiarkan cara penanaman sayuran seperti bayam dijalankan secara meluas di Ocean Mist Farm, California, Amerika Syarikat menggunakan teknologi melalui program yang disebut ‘Traceability Programme’. Program ini amat berkesan sekali di mana segala kemudahan seperti mesin pembungkus, perlabelan dan

pengedaran diadakan serentak di ladang tersebut. Dalam sehari mereka dapat melakukan  tuaian untuk beberapa ekar tanah dan menghasilkan lebih kurang 45,000 kotak sayuran bayam sehari. Sayuran tersebut diikat, dikotakkan dan seterusnya diedarkan pada hari yang sama. Kesemua kotak akan dilabelkan yang membolehkan kita mengesan balik tempat penanaman sayuran yang tidak selamat dimakan.

Sayuran yang sudah siap dikotak dan dilabelkan akan dibawa ke kilang untuk ujian keselamatan. Sayuran tersebut akan di masukkan ke dalam penyejuk ‘hidro cooler’ iaitu ‘tube’di mana sampel air dari sayuran akan diambil untuk dikaji. Ini adalah untuk memastikan sayuran selamat dari sebarang jenis bakteria sebelum dapat di pasarkan.
Dengan adanya kemudahan sains dan teknologi segala kerja dapat dipermudahkan selain dapat mempertingkatkan hasil dan kualiti tanaman pertanian kita.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

LEGO (The most popular Toys on the Planet!)

Have you ever thought of what to be the best birthday present for your kids? I might say that I will prefer to buy them a set of LEGO toys that consists of colorful and variety of toys and bricks... Very interactive and interesting toys to play with. It is a construction and educational toys where we can select them based on the age, theme and category. 

Based on the Astro Discovery Channel from National Geographic, globally, children spent estimated 5 billion hour a year playing with iconic bricks. The demand for LEGO toys increased worldwide. Billions of bricks are produce every year. And that what makes the Lego factory in Billund the largest plastic molding factory in the world!!! 

 LEGO Danish toys are most popular in Europe and Netherlands...estimated 75,000 LEGO World fans gather and participate to show off their creations during exhibition held by Lego Group every year

Replica of a Dutch National Museum of Classic Arts.

LEGO Factory in Billund, Denmark

To start up with this toy empire, the company produced a simple interlocking plastic bricks. Then followed by gears, mini figures and various other parts... And each pieces of LEGO bricks must match and connect each other and easily taken apart again in order to construct objects such as robot, vehicles and buildings.

Lego Group was started by a carpenter; Ole Kirk Christiansen from a small village in Denmark called Billund in 1932. His company,  LEGO comes from two Danish words, ‘LEG GODT’ which means ‘Play Well’.He started his workshop by making wooden toys from two Danish wood and only after few years  later production of toys in full scale was done by injection molding machine that turns raw plastic material into bricks. They started to make model sets as well as the basic building bricks. 

Through out the expansion of his business, Lego has modified the designed of Kiddicraft bricks after examining a sample given to it by the British supplier of an injection molding machine that the company had purchased. So much improvement on quality and safety had been made. Ole Kirk Christiansen was very consent on the quality of his products that turns his company’s motto into, ‘det bedste er ikke for godt’ which means ‘only the best is good enough’..the motto is still being used till now by the company. 

LEGO cater the builders at every age .New inspiration and design followed by a storyline are the basic necessity to set up new invention. Designers will test new design and solve unique puzzle, translate building experiences into a broad game.
Lego Group faced so many problems during the time especially the technical problem with the locking limitation ability and to find the right material to develop modern bricks. Each LEGO piece must be manufactured to the existing degree of precision in order for two pieces that are engaged to be fit firmly and easily dissembled. LEGO bricks from 1958 are compatible with the current bricks that we do have today.

Create prototype mold- It must go for testing assembly.. What perfect in the computer screen may not mean fit in the real world. To produce the mold is very expensive. It must be precisely produced, not only must fit accurately but must interlock with every single block made since 1958.

During 1970s and 1980s new types of LEGO like ‘Technic’ and ‘Space’ were developed. LEGO roads, houses and figures with arms and legs mean that kids could now build whole LEGO towns! The Lego Group has released thousands of sets with a variety of themes, including townand cities, space,robots, trains, dinasours, and so forth.. In 90s, behavior changes, video game grew in popularity


 In 1992 a LEGO castle was built using 400,000 bricks. In 2000, LEGO was voted ‘Toy of the Century’  and the amusement park LEGOLAND opened in 1968 – LEGO had become one the most popular toys on the planet! Ole Kirk Christiansen, who was up-from-nothing business has annual sales of more than $30 million, now accounts for almost a penny of every dollar of Danish exports and set up his own network of all around the world!!.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Singapore Zoo (One of the Best Zoo in the World)

Have you ever been to Singapore zoo?? Well, it is one of the best zoo in the world and worth visiting…very interesting and interactive especially for education learning.. It was opened in June 1973.

The place is very huge with a rainforest environment that covers the area of 28 hectares.There are varieties of animals well managed within their ‘natural habitats’ environment such as monkeys, orangutan, elephant , rhino, tree kangaroos, lemurs, mousedeer, fruit bats ,butterflies and also baboons...

There are various activities being held at the zoo such as animals show and educational programs...    

From my point of view the orangutan attract the most of the visitors especially when it comes to Jungle Breakfast with wildlife...

We can have breakfast accompanied by the orangutan, elephants and so forth. 
At the moment, there are about 315 animal species can be found here and 16% of it are threatened species. 

The opening hour is from 8.30 a.m. till 6.00 p.m. daily. If possible go early in the morning since afternoon a bit crowded and hot. Take your time at least 1 full day walking around the zoo..We can also take a tram and boat ride..

There are food outlets and restaurant to be found here like KFC and Pizza Safari..oh yes, the entrance fee  for adults is S$18 and S$9 for children. There are few group packages that we can consider and cheaper compared to individual fee.